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Sama (“suh-muh”) is a Sanskrit word that means equal, balanced, or even. Well maintained. As in sama agni, or healthy digestion. As in samasthitih, or equal standing pose. As in saṁyama, the simultaneous practice of concentration, meditation, and samadhi. As in samadhi.

I chose this name for my Ayurveda and Yoga practice because it speaks to what we are hoping to move closer towards. In this world of “fast is good, so faster must be better,” it is radically necessary to come back into balance. The right amount of food, not to much, not too little. The right amount of stimulation, activity, yoga asana, space, you name it. My hope is that I can offer you tools to develop your intuition when it comes to all of these things, so your life can take on this quality of sama.